Saturday, May 28, 2011

Really? An Elite Church?

Check these following quotes taken from OSV pertaining to catholic home schooling
A priest by the name of Rev. Peter M.J. Stravinskas (who is the director of the Catholic Education Foundation)  shared his defense of parish catholic education as opposed to homeschooling catholic education.

“There are several reasons to prefer Catholic schools….catechesis is the job of the whole Church, with the main responsibility resting on the shoulders of the pastor, not the parents.”  He went on to state that homeschooling can lead to anti-clericalism; “That leads to subtle anti-clericalsim…because the children learn that priests cannot be counted on to hand on the faith.  It shows in what he sees as a dearth of vocations from home school families.” gets better,  “He also believes it is psychologically unhealthy for mothers to spend 24 hours a day with their children as they get older…”
And one more, 
“That sets up an elite, a church within a church, and that is to be avoided.”

I hope OSV published this in order to help this priest flaunt his ignorance.
Point one—What if (and I know this is hard to believe) a pastor is not invested in the school…no wait.  What if a pastor is not invested in the Faith?  What if a pastor may not even believe in anything? 
You mean to tell me that every pastor who has a school under his care is praying and fasting for the propagation of the Roman Catholic Faith?  I wish I had a quarter for every priest who told me of the headaches of his parish school and how he wishes he didn’t have one. Here is the truth Father Stravinskas, not only are some of the pastor’s not invested but the faith that is being taught by some of your parochial schools is often times nothing but watered down generic cultural hallmark card beliefs that Oprah could teach.  The parochial schools sold their souls to non catholic money.  And let’s not even mention the elephant in the room—what drives many parochial schools?----the sports agenda—not the faith agenda. 

Point 2: Let me ask three questions—How many priests living in a rectory together are praying together?  (How many are actually praying??...ouch)  How many catholic home school families are praying together?  What nurtures vocations?—funny I heard it was prayer.

Why can’t that priest accept responsibility for the real reasons why men don’t want to become part of the “club”?

Point 3
Really?? Psychologically unhealthy??  What would the Virgin Mary say to that one?

Point 4—Elite church?  Home schooling?  Come one does he really want to go down that road?  Some of  the elite churches I’ve seen through the years have been the underground repressed sexual one,  the fiscally irresponsible spend the peoples’ money on lavish rectory’s one, the ivory tower administrative one, the mega program buy the latest magic bullet faith formation one—really should I continue?  And he's worried about an elite church from homeschoolers?

Friday, May 27, 2011

Caught in the Storms

Many have experienced the devastation of the recent early middle and late spring storms.  From tornadoes to flooding to earthquakes--the signs could be quickly interpreted as foreboding--especially with the recent coming and passing of the Judgement Day.  This evening, in a matter of seconds, my lovely wife and I were in the pickup truck (Ford F150 for the purists) and found ourselves smack dab in the middle of a thunder storm, roads flooded, hail, and a tornado a couple of miles away.

It was upon us so quick and everything stopped for just a moment.  You couldn't see--the rain was so heavy.. You couldn't hear--the hail stones were bouncing and banging off the truck.  
We were stuck in traffic with water gushing down the highway and cars unable to make it through.
My wife pulled out the rosary and prayed us through.

Here is where I would attempt to make some correlation to the spiritual life--but you are beyond that and what is obvious has already been implied--i.e storms and prayer: life and prayer

So, back to that Judgement Day stuff.
St. Benedict (father of western monasticism and an all around neat guy) said (probably in Latin)--"Keep death always before you."
And that is all I have to write on that.

Speaking of Judgement Day, my son has a poll on his recently resurrected blog; Preceptorum Deus asking people what they think about Judgement Day.  Interestingly enough he is running it until the 'new' Judgement Day in October. Stop over and check it out (the proud father said).

While we are on the subject of youth--please pray for a group of teenagers I believe Mary is calling and forming.  They will begin meeting and praying before the Blessed Sacrament next week.
They don't realize it yet but they are rooted in Medugorje.  If you are interested in going on a Praylium Pilgrimage to Medugorje this fall, click the pilgrimage tab at the top of this page.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Here is the "What"

Please, right now,  offer a prayer for all affected by the devastating storms, tornadoes and flooding.

This morning I picked up Time magazine and read the article entitled; Sex. Lies. Arrogance. What Makes Powerful Men Act Like Pigs..
This headline caught my eye simply because I thought someone in the mainstream media had the guts to state the obvious.
But it never came.
It never said the "What" of what makes powerful men act like powerful pigs.

It was a social commentary, on all those public male figures who have fallen and suggested concise behavioral and cognitive correlations.  There were valid points especially when considering entitlement and predator behavior and, don't get me wrong, it is good to heighten the public's attention. 

But it's like a homily that never gets to the next level when all the priest or deacon did was re-tell and re-imagine the Gospel account.   

So, what is the "what" ?

First you don't need to be a powerful man--
Second, Evil is the cause.  More to the point--one's willful cooperation with the demonic.
Pick your poison and then blame someone else for giving it to you or making you that way.
Then allow pride to maintain your position.  

But here is the good matter the poison, no matter the sin--Christ can break in---only when you surrender your will.
"...Thy will be done..."
But the soul needs to do the work--everyday, every moment.
Bring back the ancient practice of making pilgrimages because they outwardly signify the quest, the work, and the sacrifice that the soul needs to undertake.  In the meantime make the Stations of the Cross (they're not just for Lent you know).

I know--i'm preaching--to the choir none-the-less.
(But if you feel like someone needs to hear this--send it to them.)

We are days away from Pentecost--pray for the Holy Spirit to descend.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

"People forget...."

Our guide shared some of the expectations that travelers (i.e pilgrims who forget their place) encounter when they come to Medugorje.  One group, in particular complained there was no soy milk (seriously) People think that since they made the commitment and financial payment that they are deserving of something.  I'm not too sure--it's a twisted sense of entitlement.  If the sun don't spin then I better have soy milk.

"People forget" she sadly said, "...of where they are and what this is all about."
I was unable to blog our last two days because of internet connection issues in Medugorje.  People forget that it isn't about comfort.
It is about passion

Our pilgrimage ended on 5/20.  It was a blessed and graced time.  Your prayers cooperated with Grace and there were some major spiritual strides, conversions, and downright believing that occurred.  It was an amazing time.

You ought to go some time.

Some seed fell on a path--and quickly was eaten
Some seed fell on rocky soil--sprouted but later died
And some fell on fertile soil.

I'd like to wax a little on my friend's comment that 'People forget'
Not only do they forget where they are but when some people return from Medugorje--well, they simply forget.  Satan works hard in Medugorje but is even more persistent when you return home.

It feels like a dream there.  One of the best depictions of travelling to Medugorje is Narnia--it was tough to come back to the reality of living in the everyday.

I received a text from someone today
"Your in a good place if the end of the world happens today!"
He didn't know I had returned.
I texted back; "I'm home--Medugorje is in the heart anyways..."

That's where the seed needs to take root--here at home. Confession, Eucharist, Fasting, Rosary, Scripture.
The tough part?--you can't do it alone.  That's the seed that sprouts and then quickly whithers.
Satan waits behind every opportunity to derail the pilgrimage.

People forget that it takes work.  People forget that there really is no easy way other than the Way of Christ.
People forget and soon replace God with their gods, their wants, their pride, their excuses, their way.
People forget that they were called their for a reason.

While on the trip home I glanced at our group sitting in Split airport.  Some looked completely exhausted (spiritually and physically)  I knew some of their stories and tried to place myself in their position.  Some of their lives had been drastically affected--how would it be for them back home?  Would spouses understand?  Would they be able to keep their resolve?  Would they continue to grow even closer to God through Mary?
I remember our first return years ago--I was sick in my stomach.  Here I was an excommunicated Roman Catholic priest, now an Episcopal rector---and my wife and I both wanted to return to the Church?
I'd have to quit my job (obviously).  We'd have to sell our house.  We'd have to find new work and a way that allowed us tolive the messages.
So much work to do--but guess what---Mary took care of us--all the way.

She always does.
I just couldn't be a disciple of Jesus Christ without His Mom.

God Bless all who have returned from Medugorje.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Mount Krisevac---Cross Mountain

So here is why I have no photographs of our actual trek up the mountain--it was dark.
The first trek occurred late last evening (as reported). .A few from our small group went barefoot.  I chose not to enter into the penitential in that manner--none the less it was the longest and most disorienting climb and descent that I have ever experienced.  Satan was pinging a few people along the way.  One person shared their struggle and i simply said, 'satan is pinging you--get Jesus in there and use His name.'

Just before we reached the top--the moon was full and amazing.  Soon it was behind a cloud--it reminded me of the opening scene in the Passion of the Christ where Jesus was in the garden.  At the top--the wind was brutal and I hunkered down alongside the cross.

Some people went to confession
It was awesome.

My wife, son and I began down the hill--by the ninth station we only had one working light and by the seventh station I tripped and broke my wife's walking stick.

Mt. Krisevac afar
So many prayers up and down these hills.  With each step- Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy.  Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner.  Jesus. Mary---what ever your words they ought to become words for the spiritual life, each step, every day.
That was last night.

Now here is our day.
This morning I snapped a photo of Cross Mountain from our pansion just so yomu had a point of reference.

We met for a talk by Ivan behind St. James.
Here is a line I loved: "The world is in a spiritual coma"

I'd say most churches are in a spiritual coma.  Think about it.
Our lovely group
you have to get it all done within 50 minutes on a Sunday.
I believe that the spiritual coma has been, at times, encouraged by some leaders and pastors who have lost heart and have allowed pride to control their priesthood and not Jesus (sorry did I write that?)
Here's a group shot of everyone--like deer in the headlights?

Two photos of St. James while we were waiting to attend Holy Mass.
One of my favorite times is when the people of God are entering and leaving the Church.  It is so peaceful and prayerful.  Mary must be joyful as she witnesses such a wonderful exchange of Christian manners.

But back to Cross Mountain.  Some people stayed back and prayed the Stations at the Risen Christ while the rest of us headed up the mountain to pray them.
It started fine.  80 degrees and sunny.
By the fifth station there was a drizzle.
By the eleventh station we were in the middle of a raging thunderstorm with all the works, lightening and thunder and downpour.
We had some people already in need of a hand here and there.  The decision was made. We would split the group--some headed down while others went up top.
I suggested that if anyone hadn't gone to confession--to do so.  No seriously, why wouldn't a storm out of nowhere be used as a sign?  And what harm would come from going to confession...ever????
Water streamed down the crevices as some headed back down.  The clouds and storm encircled the top--like Moses was going to come down with the tablets....
Stuff happens

At the bottom you ask? Well it was sunny and bright of course.
One of the miracles was that no one fell...well, I take that back, here is one....

Sometimes the hill climbs are about the destination.  Like getting to where Mary appeared and getting to the top of Krisevac.
But today, as well as last night----was all about the journey.  It was all about each station of the cross along the way.
The spiritual life is a journey and sometimes you need to go slow, step easy, trust another way, reach out for help and accept help that is freely given.  Sometimes there is mud and falling down.  Yes the journey is really all we have in this world.

And Mary is leading us....
just take her hand.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Really...what did you come here to see?

Alright here's the deal.  I've spent enough time in crowds in the midst of holy places for the past few days and have a few thoughts.
Today, we were asked to stand and pray in silence while Vicka prayed for each and everyone of us.  People lasted about 10 minutes before they became 'bored'.
They snapped their photos, turned, and then started shopping for souvenirs--yep that's what its about--great PR for the church right?  Let me get this straight--Vicka tells us she is going to pray for you and you get bored, turn and leave? 
What did you come hear to see?  Didn't Jesus ask that question to those who were coming to see Him but really didn't like what they found?

Mass is another issue.  You leave to go to Holy Communion and come back to your pew now taken by some other pilgrims who want a seat for the next Mass.

A crystal clear experience of the juxtaposition of Good and Evil.  I'm not even talking about the thieves that frequent places like this.  I'm talking about the gracious and good people of God (sarcasm)
The devil does not even need to force big guns--he uses impatience, greed, gluttony, self rightousness and some anger and anything else that keeps the soul away from its Creator.

Yesterday at Eucharistic Adoration in the parish chapel I watched as a little toddler kept running up to the tabernacle and blowing kisses to was great.
Until some sour person shook their head in disgust and whispered to their neighbor who agreed that it was a sacrilege.

Come on, let the kids come to Him.
Come on, why not let ourselves come to Him? 
What is neat about this pilgrimage is that I get to pray for and witness people discover and reignite their faith.

Vicka, Healings, Mass and Tihaljina

Monday morning began in a crowded street in front of the visionary Vicka's house.  It was unusual this time because she had the crowd pray in silence for over 30 minutes---very powerful experience for many in our group.

My son got a little closer but was called a 'bastard' by some Italian women--nice.  Vicka shared our call to live fasting and prayer and bible and Eucharist and Confession.  She spent some extra time sharing her concern for the faith of the youth.  She also spoke about the reality of Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory and how so many people fail to believe (priests included).
We then travelled to Tihaljina for Mass with prayers for Healing.  Fr. William Kiel celebrated Mass and laying on of hands while the other priests heard confessions.

I snapped this photo of the famous statue on the way out the door...pretty amazing.
Please know of my continued prayers for those who are reading this blog.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Evening in Medugorje

Went to Eucharistic Adoration for a while.
It was packed.

Then hung out on a Sunday evening around St. James.

What other church do you know where the people are just hanging out for hours?
Usually people can't wait to leave? right?
What's missing that our church's are so barren? Why is Jesus left alone in our churches?
(come on you knew I had to share something that would prick the ecclesial conscience didn't you?)

Following are some pics from just hanging out this evening.


Medugorje is the confessional for the world

pray pray pray

my transportation for the week

Living Witness

Today we took the pilgrims to visit Ivan and hear his testimony.   He has become known as the living witness to the Blessed Mother becuase of his losing his leg and his total surrender to embracing the Cross and the Will of God.

Many were moved by his story and his describing what it felt like to touch the Blessed Mother.

A short walk to the Blue Cross and investiture in brown scapular.
Following we had Mass at St. James.

Everyone seems to be hitting the stride of prayer, resting, eating, walking.  Your prayers for them is making their hearts open to the Spirit.

Sorry no photos today.  The pilgrims are enjoying the afternoon and preparing themselves for reconciliation and meeting with Viska and healing Mass tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Apparition Hill

A few photographs from our group praying their way to the top.
Miracles? 5 adults over the age of 83 ( i have no idea how many fake hips or knees that includes) ---went up and descended with no problems no issues and a few phenomenal experiences.

The photographs give you an idea of the terrain but not the temperature--pushing mid 80's--so i carried extra water.

"The road to heaven is not easy..."

"When you are old, someone will fasten your belt and lead you..."                             

"Lord, no longer my will must exist...but Your will must exist in me."

Pilgrimage to Medugorje is filled with prayer, climbing, walking, prayer, Eucharist, confession, prayer, Mass, prayer, eating (there is the saying in Medugorje that pilgrims do not need to fast--while i am not too sure about it--i tend to take advantage of the local custom and enjoy the food)

As I write this post a group of people just arrived back at the house following Adoration and another just came in after doing a solo nighttime hike up Cross Mountain-people connecting with the Holy at all hours.
Connecting with the Holy--not easy for anyone who is honest.
It isn't easy because it means becoming selfless.  Really, it does.  
Honesty is self truth. 
And if we are completely honest with ourselves we realize that we really don't matter.
We realize that it really is about losing our own will and living God's.
But dishonesty gets in the way--and that is the fertile ground for pride---and we know where pride originates.

These hills can knock the pride out of you. 

Get rid of pride and then honesty can have a home.  
You don't need to be in Medugorje for this to happen--but it sure makes it easier because it is more difficult to get caught up in the fluff of life and avoid what you really need for spiritual sustenance.

Pilgrimage update Apparition Hill

Here is a quick update (not to assume anyone is reading this but just in case)

I posted some pictures of our journey....some outside the window of the jet, a bus trip, and at Humac Franciscan Monastery (where we celebrated Mass)
I have a few moments before heading out with 42 to Apparition Hill.
Interesting make up of group...we have 5 people over 83, 4 priests, (plus 2 inactive)---

I have as an intention climbing the Hill today--the prayers anyone has who is reading this blog.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Judgement Day, Planting Seeds, and the Mother of God

In a few hours I will be departing on pilgrimage to Medugorje.

Whether or not I blog from there remains yet to be seen--it depends on the Holy Spirit.

A few thoughts before I leave:
First--billboards.  There are two advertising campaigns going on in my area.  A church has been advertising its Sunday services and I just received an invite in the mail.  Funny though--the name of God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit is never mentioned.  I'm still not sure what the church is.  The other campaign being promoted via billboards is Judgement Day--which is apparently slated for May 21, 2011.

Come on--everyday could be Judgement Day.  I know, I know--I'm missing the mark, they are probably alluding to the end of our present world and the prophecies of the second coming of Christ.    But think about it--why not just simply live as St. Benedict suggested--keeping death always before us?
It's great for perspective.
So, clean your soul and always be ready.

That's what Medugorje is about.  It's about being taken up in the love of Christ and it is the Mother of Christ who helps you.  It's about living a life of love and joy and honesty and forgiveness.  It's about embracing the cross and passion and suffering.  It's about complete surrender of your way into God's.
I am so graced to witness this happen to so many people on these trips.
Often times throughout her preparation and planning of the pilgrimage my wife will ponder aloud; "I wonder who this trip is for?"  It's a good question because Medugorje is a lot like the parable of the sower.
Some seed fell on a path that was quickly eaten.
Some seed sprouted --but had no roots
Some seed took and yielded a hundred fold
I've watched it happen to people.

Do me a favor and pray for our pilgrimage.

Friday, May 6, 2011

If it is of human origin...

Almost thirty years ago a prayer group was begun by the Mother of God.  It was a group formed in the midst of religious persecution in a God-less society and government.
The fundamentals of the group were:
Rosary, Eucharist, Reconciliation, Fasting, and Scripture.

There was no plan (at least not of human origin).  There was no 'mission statement' (at least not of human origin).  They really didn't even have a place to meet (this was due to human origins, which at the time were a mix of political and ecclesial).
To this day---they still meet.

Last evening I was invited to attend an interesting gathering of college age youth for a cup of joe at a coffee shop.  It was the second such time I've had a cup with them.  
I don't think it is of human origin.
Fortunately they are not dealing with persecution and they enjoy the freedom to worship and pray anywhere.
But that isn't to say they don't feel and aren't affected by satan's pings
Come on--how many young adults gather in a coffee shop and talk seriously about the Sacrament of Reconciliation?
So Mary brought them together.
Last evening they kept asking; "Okay, we're here--now what?"
They were getting caught up in a plan--it's so easy to do and it can become a divergence.  
Finally someone said: "Let's do what we always did--pray, fast, Eucharist, confession, and scripture."

Yeh--not of human origin.

By the way, here is something neat, check out today's scripture reading at Mass:  Acts 5:34-42

Tissot--Meal with Apostle
A Pharisee in the Sanhedrin named Gamaliel,
a teacher of the law, respected by all the people,
stood up, ordered the Apostles to be put outside for a short time,
and said to the Sanhedrin, “Fellow children of Israel,
be careful what you are about to do to these men.
Some time ago, Theudas appeared, claiming to be someone important,
and about four hundred men joined him, but he was killed,
and all those who were loyal to him
were disbanded and came to nothing.
After him came Judas the Galilean at the time of the census.
He also drew people after him,
but he too perished and all who were loyal to him were scattered.
So now I tell you,
have nothing to do with these men, and let them go.
For if this endeavor or this activity is of human origin,
it will destroy itself.
But if it comes from God, you will not be able to destroy them;
you may even find yourselves fighting against God.”
They were persuaded by him.
After recalling the Apostles, they had them flogged,
ordered them to stop speaking in the name of Jesus,
and dismissed them.
So they left the presence of the Sanhedrin,
rejoicing that they had been found worthy
to suffer dishonor for the sake of the name.
And all day long, both at the temple and in their homes,
they did not stop teaching and proclaiming the Christ, Jesus.

If you ask me--I believe the Virgin has a pretty big hand in this.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Advent Time

I know, I know.  I'm about six months ahead.
But Advent is the best way I can explain what it feels like.

My wife has been very busy working on all the final details of taking 42 people on pilgrimage to Medugorje.
She has such patience.
Actually she doesn't want me doing any of the upfront people stuff because I tend to be "just a little too abrupt."

So I sit and watch and occasionally run the necessary clerical errands.
Oh, and I pray.

We began the Novena to the Holy Spirit just a couple days ago.  For me that's like putting up the Nativity Scene in Advent.  I love the anticipation.

In a few short days I will be pushing people (excuse me--gently leading  and directing people) through the airports and border crossings.  I will be loading and unloading luggage and of course sitting back and just watching.

I love watching the Holy Spirit work.
I love watching Mary take her childrens' hands.
I love watching conversion--real conversion.
It's like watching love storys unfold all around me.  And, (contrary to the popular belief of my family and close friends)--I am somewhat of a sensitive romantic.

I haven't decided as of yet--the prayer is still out on this one--but I may give an occasional update on this blog while in Medugorje.
For now--please offer a prayer or two for all who have been called on this journey.

Another Advent event on the horizon has been my rewrite of the book;  The Lost Shepherd; an Ex-Priest's Journey from Sin to Salvation --due for publication in 2012. As any editing goes it has been simultaneously cathartic and lethargic.  Come Holy Spirit!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Three Conversations

Over the course of the past week and in the midst of travels, I spent some time with three very different priests.  First, was a young priest recently ordained who is learning the sometimes harsh reality of ministry and relationships.  Second was an older priest who is a pastor of a large parish and has had a variety of ministry and administrative experiences.  The third was a priest who has been inactive for many many years.
Here are some of my thoughts from our conversations.

Nobody wants to state the obvious but often times the soil where a newly ordained is planted is barren. In the world of 'vocation' shortage--wouldn't it behoove someone somewhere to institute a different way of formation for parish ministry? Why not 'homeschool' the formation of diocesan clergy?  Why not radically rethink and redo formation so men are not put in unhealthy situations?  Fact is, there are very few priests who could be the spiritual mentors needed for a newly ordained.  The much anticipated fruits of ministry are soon choked by the weeds of personal and ecclesial confusion and disillusionment.  The old clergy eat the young and the young react.
Some splinter and become progressive and (in their minds)--a prophet, cloaking themselves as a Jesus figure.  They begin to thrive on shock and reaction and use the priesthood as a platform for their drama, their gospel, their wants, their desires.  Come on we all know guys like this.
Eventually pride takes over and they implode.

For others they decide to cling to an identity of priesthood which is closed and ultra conservative --'hiding behind the collar'.  Here they cry out for a universal respect for the priesthood but don't want to be held accountable.  What they really want is everyone to stop challenging them, blindly obey their lead, and feed their wants and desires. The arrogance of this approach is often times perpetuated by the priest thinking he is above the people he serves--chaulk another one for pride.  And we all know guys like this.

I have no solution to the above dilemma but am struck with a thought from my final and third conversation--with the third fellow.  He's been on a life-long pilgrimage asking the question; 'What should I believe?" Not a bad question to ask every now and then.  But this has been unrelenting to his soul.  It has worn him down.
Instead of asking; "What should I believe?"  why not pray "Lord Jesus Christ--have mercy on me a sinner."

Whether ordained or not--it doesn't matter.  We react all the time to situations in our life and our work, some we can control, many we can't.  Instead of reacting and asking the same question again and a again--why not just pray for mercy?  All day--"Lord Jesus Christ--have mercy on me!"
Such a prayer brings perspective and humility--the opposite of pride.

And, didn't the church just beatify a man who instituted Divine Mercy Sunday?  Wasn't this priest's way one of mercy?  Wasn't this priest's way one bookmarked by suffering early in life and in his last years?  Wasn't John Paul's way one not of demanding trust and respect, but earning it?  Wasn't John Paul's way one of praying all the time; "Lord Jesus Christ...have mercy!"?

Last, a word from our Mother;

Dear children, God the Father is sending me to show you the way of salvation, because he, my children, desires to save you and not to condemn you. That is why I, as a mother, am gathering you around me, because with my motherly love I desire to help you to be free of the dirtiness of the past and to begin to live anew and differently. I am calling you to resurrect in my Son. Along with confession of sins, renounce everything that has distanced you from my Son and that has made your life empty and unsuccessful. Say “yes” to the Father with the heart and set out on the way of salvation to which he is calling you through the Holy Spirit. Thank you. I am especially praying for the shepherds, for God to help them to be alongside you with a fullness of heart.  May 2, 2011

ps--if you feel particularly called to share this post with someone who may need a spiritual nudge--feel free