Monday, April 16, 2012



That is the 'hashtag' used in the twitter world by a group of collegians readying themselves for an upcoming pilgrimage to Medjugorje.
It has been a long time coming.  For the past four years they have been nurtured in the 'five stones' of Prayer, Confession, Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Scripture.
Now, in forty days they will begin their pilgrimage to a holy place where the Queen of Peace first appeared to youth.
If you get a chance today--pray for them.

Recently my lovely wife and I chaperoned a high school band trip to Walt Disney World. 
Never Again.
The days were filled with potential blog material; Church of Disney, Adolescent Behavior (parents included),  Rules Really Don't Apply to Me, ABC's of Chaperoning, Life on a Bus, Fried Food Vouchers, and Falling Asleep on a Park Bench in Epcot.  Suffice it to say it was 92 degrees, hot, and Disney closed two parks due to capacity.

In the midst of Holy Week I began to wonder if Jesus really even made a dent in our humanity.
There I was at the 'happiest place on earth' falling into despair and wondering if we as parents were  fighting a losing battle. 

You knew it wouldn't take long for me to use the word 'battle' right?  After all this is Praylium.

There is a battle for your soul.
Know what frightens me the most?  The concentrated battle for the souls of our youth.
At least in the world of Disney evil is usually pretty clear.  There is always a good guy and a bad buy.
But in our world we have the prince of lies confusing and contorting his will into a well packaged illusion of truth--baiting us, drawing us deeper into his darkness.

We are still in Easter-- the celebration of Christ conquering Satan.  
And, not only did he break the chains of death but his body rose from the dead.  His Body--the Body of Christ--the Body of Christ broken for you is present as the Holy Eucharist!

See how much He loves you?