I realize my last two posts where a bit of a downer.
My apologies to my faithful readers. It is, after all Advent, and I ought to be doing more soul work than writing about my past month of just plain crappy Sunday morning homilies and experiences.
I decided to delete the second post. One post was enough, everyone gets the picture. No need to pile on. Time to rise above.
I deleted the post--not because it lacked truth but because the integrity was absent. The bite was too much.
Also, it came across as if I was on the verge of throwing in the towel. I love the Roman Catholic Faith. Believe me, I was excommunicated once--do you have any idea what kind of paperwork that creates when you want to clean up your soul and return? Plus, through in an ontological change and wham!,... Roman Catholicism is in the marrow of my soul.
The last thing the internet needs in the blogosphere is another sharp tongued critic--I don't know of any real good that comes from posting a gripe.
It's not like the 'right' people are reading my opinions and then saying "Oh, my---he's right! I need to do what he is saying." I don't think Pope Francis has Praylium bookmarked.
So, my bite is a little too strong and I ought to use this space for building up the Kingdom. I suppose that instead of taking a shot I ought to be offering a prayer--but man...that's so hard!
That isn't to say that my hope and patience and even trust isn't currently challenged--it's just that focusing on all the wrong issues (unhealthy preaching and parish life) does nothing for my salvation or my responsibility to live the faith as a husband, father, brother, and son.
That said, I still believe that I may be in a bit of a diaspora--that wandering for God that seems to lack a homeland. Perhaps the title of that penned memoir a few years back has become a self serving prophecy--A Lost Shepherd.